Photos throughout this site were found on Unsplash.

Mentions to the following, specifically for using their amazing pictures, in no particular order:

krakenimages – thoughtcatalog – Johnny BriggsAlesia KazantcevaAustin Chan – C D-X – Siyuan Hu

If your picture has ended up on this site and we have not credited you, please contact us and we will rectify that oversight immediately.

Additional Mentions

Apex Computer & Mobile Repairs – This lady knows what she’s doing.  She will give you a fair price, honest recommendations, and you won’t ever think twice about calling her.  Thank you Grace.  I appreciate your technical knowledge, as well as your personal insight.

Diamond Dogs House of Grooming – If your pooch needs some pampering, Doug will do just that.  He has a huge heart and incredible love of animals. Thank you for your advice and recommendations.