Happy World Password Day

World Password Day

The first Thursday in May of every year is World Password Day.  A day designed to promote better password habits and increasing the security of your digital footprint.  With so much being accessible online and protected by a password, it’s important to ensure you’re using strong, unique passwords for every login you have.

What can you do today?  Here’s a brief list!

  • Change old passwords and/or weak passwords to something long, and strong.  (16 to 20 characters is a good start, but you can also consider using a passphrase instead of a password)
  • Ensure your home firewall/router password has been changed from the default
  • When you are done with an online site, log out completely instead of just closing the browser window
  • Use a secure password manager instead of writing them down or storing them by other means
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication for every account where it’s available
World Password Day was first mentioned by security researcher Mark Burnett in his 2005 book Perfect Passwords.  Inspired by his idea, Intel took the initiative in 2013 to declare the first Thursday in May as World Password Day, and here we are!

Your online security is only as strong as the passwords and protections you have in place.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can help, please reach out to our support department by emailing support@inoventive.ca.

Have a great Password Day!
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