Social Media Quizzes are Really Bad for your Privacy.

We’ve all seen them, and we’ve likely all completed some at one point or another.  Quizzes on Social Media are part and parcel for the platform, especially Facebook, but did you even give consideration that your answers could be used against you?  Depending on the quiz, you might be revealing personal details that could be used to compromise or steal your identity.  Let’s have a look at a few examples.

We all remember our very first car.  It was a new found freedom giving us the exciting ability to go wherever we wanted, whenever we wanted, all with the wind blowing through our hair.  It was glorious!!  It’s also a common security question asked to authenticate yourself when you call to get information on your bank account, or mortgage, or credit card, etc.

When you see memes like this online, pause and reflect for a moment if the answer is something that could be used to personally identify you, and/or compromise an online account.  It’s a scary thought that you might be revealing sensitive information without even realizing it.

How about that one?  How many times have you seen the security question option of “What was your first job?”  It’s subtle the way these are produced, but ultimately the goal behind them all is to steal your information. 

How about this one?  While not as blatant about phishing for answers, there’s no doubt the responses you provide, are useful to someone.  Just don’t do it!

Some additional questions (and variations of) we’ve seen include:

  • Most people never move further than 100km away from home.  Where is home and how far away have you moved since you left?
  • The name of the street you grew up on and the food you just ate is your Drag Name.
  • Your life is in danger.  The cast of your favourte TV show are the only ones who can help you.  Who is saving your life?

There are many more examples, all of which tend to take on some innocent looking quiz, question, or meme.  They all get widely shared, with thousands of comments and answers provided, and they’re a goldmine for anyone searching to know more about you.

Keep your answers to yourself, watch out for friends who are playing along with the “game”, and stay alert.  These efforts to compromise your information will continually change, but never stop.

If you have any questions on this, or any technology related issues, please feel free to reach out to our team either by phone 587.206.0206 or email us at

Enjoy your day!

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